Essential Checklist and Awareness Tips for Hurricane Season in Houston - Collaborative for Children
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Essential Checklist and Awareness Tips for Hurricane Season in Houston

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Hurricane season, running from June 1st to November 30th, is crucial for residents in hurricane-prone areas to prepare for potential storms. At Collaborative for Children, we understand the importance of being ready and want to ensure that our community has the information and tools to stay safe. Here’s a comprehensive checklist and general awareness information to help you and your family prepare for hurricane season.

Essential Hurricane Preparedness Checklist:

Emergency Kit:

  • Water: At least one gallon per person per day for at least three days.
  • Food: A three-day supply of non-perishable food items.
  • First Aid Kit: Include bandages, antiseptics, prescription medications, and necessary medical supplies.
  • Flashlights and Batteries: Ensure you have extra batteries and a flashlight for each family member.
  • Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio: To stay informed about weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Cell Phone and Chargers: Include a portable power bank.
  • Personal Hygiene Items: Hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, and garbage bags.
  • Tools: A multi-purpose tool, duct tape, and a whistle to signal for help.
  • Clothing and Bedding: Extra clothes, blankets, and sleeping bags.

Important Documents:

  • Identification: Copies of personal identification documents, such as driver’s licenses, passports, and social security cards.
  • Medical Records: Copies of prescriptions, medical records, and health insurance cards.
  • Financial Information: Copies of bank account information, credit cards, and insurance policies.
  • Important Contacts: A list of emergency contacts, including family members, friends, and local emergency services.

Home Preparations:

  • Secure Windows and Doors: Install storm shutters or purchase plywood to protect windows. Reinforce doors and garage doors.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Remove dead or weak branches that could cause damage during high winds.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Bring in outdoor furniture, decorations, and garbage cans.
  • Check Roof and Gutters: Ensure your roof is in good condition and the gutters are clear of debris.

Evacuation Plan:

  • Know Your Evacuation Route: Familiarize yourself with local evacuation routes and shelters.
  • Plan for Pets: Ensure you have a plan for your pets, including food, water, and necessary supplies.
  • Communicate Your Plan: Share your evacuation plan with family members and friends.

Stay Informed:

  • Monitor Weather Reports: Keep track of weather updates and alerts through local news or trusted weather apps.
  • Sign Up for Alerts: Register for local emergency alerts and notifications.

General Awareness Information:

  • Understanding Hurricane Categories: Hurricanes are classified based on their wind speeds, ranging from Category 1 (least severe) to Category 5 (most severe). Storms in higher categories cause more damage and require more extensive preparation.
  • Storm Surge and Flooding: Storm surges and flooding can be as dangerous as high winds. Know if you live in a flood-prone area and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.
  • After the Storm: Once the hurricane has passed, avoid flooded areas, stay away from downed power lines, and listen to local authorities for updates on safe return.

Preparing and staying informed can protect yourself, your family, and your community during hurricane season. At Collaborative for Children, we are committed to helping our community stay safe and resilient in the face of natural disasters.

For more resources and information, visit these websites and sign up for weather alerts:

ABC 13


FOX 26 Weather

The Weather Channel

Click 2 Houston


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