100s of families took a “ride” on our Collab-Lab this week during Toddler Tuesday at Discovery Green!
Our Collab-Lab is a mobile classroom that brings critical, future-focused early childhood education directly to the community at no cost. Designed to be convenient for families, it connects parents and their youngest children with experts, educators, resources, and proven programs whose goal is to ensure that kids have the skills essential to learning from the moment they walk into kindergarten for the first time.
Aboard our Collab-Lab, children and their families learned about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and how they can help solve 21st-century issues affecting Houston.
Parents as Teachers (PAT) and Collab Kids sang songs, read books, colored, and went on a fun scavenger hunt at Depelchin!
With PAT, families are guided by an experienced specialist using the Parents as Teachers Evidence-Based Home Visiting Model. This is a school-readiness approach designed for parent education, family support, and well-being, and is based on the vision that “all children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential.” The support tools include family goal setting, identifying resources focused on specific family needs, and building positive interactions for the child. The program also offers other resources such as free developmental screenings, mentorship, and opportunities to connect with other families through group interactive learning sessions that help kids be ready for school.
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This week, Collaborative for Children supported the annual March of Dimes March for Babies event at the University of Houston. The annual event is a time to honor motherhood, babies, and families and come together with thousands of others to share experiences while raising critical funds to advance the mission of March of Dimes.
Their goal is to end preventable maternal health risks and deaths, end preventable preterm birth and infant death, and close the health equity gap.
Thanks to everyone who came out in support and all the Collab Kids who took a “ride” on the Collab-Lab!
The Collab-Lab, our mobile classroom that directly brings critical, future-focused early childhood education to the community, recently stopped at The Health Museum in support of First3Years and Baby Day!
First3Year’s Baby Day is the only statewide celebration of the first three years of life. Since 2019 Baby Day events have welcomed families to participate actively in their child’s healthy development while supporting strong emotional bonds through engaging activities that support early brain growth.
The Collab-Lab uses our core I WONDER curriculum, applying an innovative, hands-on, and project-based approach that utilizes 21st-century learning focused on reflection, critical thinking, technology, and problem-solving.
At Collab for Children, we offer in-person training summits across the state on childcare-specific topics such as financial literacy, marketing, human resources, and partner training. These summits allow attendees to choose training sessions that best fit their centers’ needs.
We recently held a summit in Fort Worth, attracting 118 childcare providers who came to enhance their business operations. The day began with a keynote speech by Prerna Richards on the topic of “Thriving Not Surviving.” The attendees could select breakout sessions from topics such as the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), cultivating a change mindset, hiring and compelling interviews, establishing an online presence, and Child Care Emergency Preparedness Training (CCEPT) by Save the Children. These sessions aimed to provide attendees with the skills and knowledge necessary to address the challenges they may face in their childcare programs.
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