Your Child's Development - 1-5 Years - Collaborative for Children
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Your Child’s Development – 1-5 Years

Parenting Tip

kid playing with blocks

As your child grows, use this list to observe his or her progress. Every child is different and learns at his or her own pace.

13 – 15 MONTHS

• Lets you know what he wants without crying by pointing, reaching or using words
• Points to familiar pictures that you name
• Stands and learns to walk
• Waves bye-bye
• Says Mama or Dada when she sees you
• Turns and looks when called by name
• Uses voice all the time and knows the meaning of some words
• Drops small things into a container
• Stoops or squats to pick something up
• No concept of sharing

16 – 18 MONTHS

• Walks alone
• Can help around the house
• Drinks from cup or glass alone
• Can practice pouring and squeezing in the bathtub
• Says “No” while shaking head from side to side
• Rolls ball back and forth with you
• Says at least three words besides Mama and Dada
• Scribbles on paper with crayon or pencil


• Uses fork or spoon for eating
• Undresses self and attempts to dress self
• Pretends to do things like feeding a doll
• Runs
• Makes a tower of four blocks
• Names some objects and pictures in a book
• Uses at least six words; may say phrases and simple sentences
• Walks up stairs
• Points to some body parts when you name them
• Kicks a ball forward
• Plays alongside others or alone


• Runs and jumps
• Says his name
• Puts on some clothes correctly
• Names things in a picture
• Understands simple directions
• Builds towers of six blocks
• Asks questions
• Uses at least two-word phrases
• Eats adult food
• May ask to go to toilet
• May be affectionate, inflexible, frustrated and possessive


• Talks in three or four word sentences, not always understandable
• Recites a few nursery rhymes and/or songs
• Puts easy puzzles together
• Brushes teeth with help
• Throws a ball overhand
• Walks up steps, alternating feet
• Rides tricycle
• Pours from pitcher
• Marches
• Enjoys some group activities
• More easy-going and secure
• May have imaginary playmates
• May have achieved complete bladder control


• Dresses self with some help
• Names his friends
• Washes and dries face and hands
• Appetite fluctuates
• Asks many questions
• Learning colors
• Enjoys playing cooperatively with other children
• Draws simple objects
• Stands on one foot
• Takes care of own toileting needs and likes privacy
• Seeks adult approval and attention
• Can be demanding and likes to test limits
• May be afraid of the dark, monsters, or other things


• Dresses self without help
• Plays well with other children; may have special friends
• Hand dominance established
• Good control of writing tools; prints shapes and some letters
• Counts to 10 (at least) and knows colors
• Reads own name
• Follows directions well; likes to follow rules and have some responsibilities
• Eager to learn new things; boastful
• Begins to lose baby teeth
• Beginning to learn difference between fact and fiction (real and pretend)

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