Your Child's Development - 0-12 Months - Collaborative for Children
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Your Child’s Development – 0-12 Months

Parenting Tip

baby on back staring

As your child grows, use this list to observe his or her progress. Every child is different and learns at his or her own pace.


• Moves eyes to follow sounds or objects moving in front of his face
• Eats every few hours and sucks on fingers or pacifier in-between feedings
• May be startled by loud noises and enjoys gentle music
• May cry and be fussy but enjoys cuddling and listening to you
• Develops trust in you if picked up whenever he cries; cannot be spoiled under 6 months of age
• Starts to learn about the world


• Waves, kicks and squirms when lying on back
• Lifts head up when on stomach
• Turns to you and smiles when sees or hears you
• Smiles, gurgles and makes other sounds
• Sucks on thumb or pacifier to calm self and learn about world
• Has real tears
•Senses parents’ moods


• Holds head up without bobbing it around
• Reaches for and grasps small toys or hair
• Recognizes parent’s voice and other sounds heard often
• Smiles at parents and other family members
• Coos and babbles, says “oo,” “ah,” and other vowel sounds
• Rests on forearms while on stomach


• Picks up head and chest when on stomach
• Rolls over front-to-back and back-to-front
• Reaches for nearby toys
• Brings hands together
• Squeals when happy; repeats vowel sounds
• Teeth start to come in
• May sleep through the night


• Sits without help
• Feeds self with fingers and sips from cup
• Tries to imitate sounds of people talking
• Looks for dropped items
• Moves toys from one hand to other
• Stands for about five seconds while holding on to something
• Gets upset when you leave
• May be stubborn and possessive of toys

10-12 MONTHS

• Sits with no support
• Plays pat-a-cake or other clapping games
• Looks for hidden objects
• Pulls self to standing position and may walk holding on to furniture
• Uses forefinger and thumb to grasp objects
• Repeats sounds over and over; may say a few words
• Begins to understand easy directions and gestures
• Shows fear of new people

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