How to Set A Good Example For Your Children This Holiday Season - Collaborative for Children
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How to Set A Good Example For Your Children This Holiday Season

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Most Americans would agree that everything is better during the holiday season. It’s a time where magic is found in simplicity, the love between family members feels even warmer, and many place a stronger emphasis on giving back. This enchanting time of year is long awaited, but as a parent, it is important to remind your children that while receiving presents is nice, sharing generosity is more essential. To accomplish this, you must practice good habits this holiday season, and find ways to teach your children valuable life lessons. Whether that is through community service, donations, or volunteering, there are many chances to display the true beauty of humanity.


Give Back to Your Community


While acts of kindness should be completed throughout the entire year, the holiday season is the perfect time to start. This is because of the influx of opportunities. In fact, many organizations start campaigns to encourage good deeds, with one global movement being Giving Tuesday. This day encourages compassion and is driven by local action. Their mission is to have members connect with their local communities to pursue good. Members interested in participating should consider giving to Collaborative for Children. By setting this example for your child, and maybe even bringing them along with you, you are displaying the true power of giving back. Giving Tuesday is held annually and occurs this year on Tuesday, November 29th.


Shop Small


On Black Friday, it may be tempting to hit the mall to get those great savings. Before doing so, keep in mind what organizations you are supporting when you shop at mega merchandise chains. Small Business Saturday urges consumers to consider shopping locally instead. Shopping small allows consumers the ability to witness the direct impact of their dollar in the community they live in. For many small business owners, their business is an extension of who they are and completely influences their livelihood. The more money spent at local stores, the more money that stays within that specific community. In fact, reports show that for every dollar spent at a small business, 67 cents stay within your local economy. Teach your kids about the power of shopping small this holiday season by going to shop at local stores and boutiques.


Many experts recommend using a credit card when holiday shopping this year because it is more secure than a debit card. Some credit cards offer perks like purchase protection, rewards, and intro bonuses. However, beware as it is easy to get carried away when credit cards start to feel like free money, and could lead you into a massive amount of debt. A general rule of thumb is to not spend more than you would if you were using cash. Raking up credit card debt can directly influence your ability to make big purchases later on, as there are certain credit score qualifications required to determine whether you’ll be approved for a loan, or whether or not you can buy a house. While holiday shopping is important, ensure that you are thinking twice before you make purchases with credit cards to avoid long term effects.


Have Important Conversations With Your Child


It might be hard to explain to your child the true meaning of the holiday season. Depending on their age, they might be just eager to trap Santa Clause or open their presents, which is completely normal. The holiday season also opens up the challenge of comparison because there’s a chance their peers could receive a few more presents than they did. One in five parents believe that their children set unrealistic expectations for the holidays, which in turn creates high pressure to deliver as a parent. An emphasis on giving back can help change this negative mindset. As a parent, it is important to remind your child that while it is easy to get wrapped up in the consumerism of it all, giving is more rewarding than receiving. Make sure your child is aware of that, and include them in the holiday shopping by asking them to help pick out presents for family members.




The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is sometimes all consuming. It can be easy to get distracted from the true meaning of the holiday season – to spend time with loved ones, be thankful, and to participate in acts of kindness. Set an example for your child this holiday season by looking for opportunities to give back, and don’t forget to include your child when you do!


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